Andrea Camacho (Andre)
Andrea Camacho is a biologist and actress. For 15 years she has dedicated her time to open air education. She began as a Scout at school, then as Troop Leader with the Wooden Insignia section. She has worked with "Sanpablines-Arawak" during summer camps, excursions, business programmes and since 2008 as director of open air programmes. In 2009 she joined the staff of BAKONGO.
During her learning process she has developed skills in outdoor group management, supervision of activities, with focus on needs according to age and in first aid (Colombian Red Cross, EFR [Emergency First Response], St John´s Ambulance and IMAS-OPEPA [Wildnerness Medicine Institute - Organization for Environmental Education and Protection]).
Thanks to her academic background, she is passionate about combining art, environmental education and learning through play to develop social skills.
Today Andrea works for WWF – Colombia (World Wildlife Fund), supporting the Politics Office on climate change issues and skills strengthening with Indigenous and Afrocolombian communities.
During her learning process she has developed skills in outdoor group management, supervision of activities, with focus on needs according to age and in first aid (Colombian Red Cross, EFR [Emergency First Response], St John´s Ambulance and IMAS-OPEPA [Wildnerness Medicine Institute - Organization for Environmental Education and Protection]).
Thanks to her academic background, she is passionate about combining art, environmental education and learning through play to develop social skills.
Today Andrea works for WWF – Colombia (World Wildlife Fund), supporting the Politics Office on climate change issues and skills strengthening with Indigenous and Afrocolombian communities.